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Re: VMs: Another method different from Cardano Grilles

--- Elmar Vogt <elvogt@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Brilliant!
> I'm not one to discard the hoax theories so quickly,
> but Jacques, this 
> appears to be an excellent test for any hoax
> hypothesis: Are there words 
> which do not appear in the VM which the discs (or
> grilles or whatever we 
> use) ought to be producing in sufficient quantities?

One of the objections raised to Gordon Rugg is
that the most frequent word in the samples he 
has generated is (Eva) ky. This does occur in the 
VMs, but perhaps only a dozen times or so.

This is not quite as strong as the argument
you/Jacques propose, but I wonder if that is valid
in any case. Take one English book of 240 pages.
Does it contain all English words? Certainly not.
Thus, one cannot use this book to test if a 
certain word is a valid English word or not.

It gets more tricky with the VMs. Assuming that
the text is in a language, are there words in
this language beside the ones written in the Voynich
MS? To me this is a tricky question, since at
the moment our knowledge of this language is 
confined to what's in this one book.

It's like Schroedinger's cat: is the cat in the
box male, female, or a third sex we have never
seen before?

Cheers, Rene

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