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VMs: A new german text

This is a long post that adds no knowledge. My excuse for it is that Die Harmonie der Glyphenfolgen deserves acknowledgement in the absence of critique. If that is bad form, read no further.

I do not read German. It is not difficult to understand some of the meaning of the article. Perhaps I only think I do.

Among my first impressions of the vms (5 March 04) was that:

the writing was designed for the script or the script was designed for the writing or they matured together over a long period of time.

The viewpoint, at that time, was historical. There is a definite aesthetic quality to the script. Not in the individual glyphs but in the patterns. Ordinary sentences in EVA font has a crude appearance compared to the text of the manuscript in that same font -- but it is not the patterns of the glyphs so much as the distribution of words and similar words. To me, that indicates either complex mathematical sequence or some form of poetry. Or music. In addition to other things mentioned, music could explain the gallows between connected glyphs. I found this somewhere:

NOTATION - A system for preserving music by means of written signs. May consist of notes or neumes, a graph or graphs, tablature, numbers, letters or, in some cases, symbols unique to a culture.

Symbols unique to a culture. Maybe to a single composer.

But why would a composition be written amongst the drawings of the vms?
What about the glyphs being written in the drawings? Apparent lack of motive or purpose does not exclude possibilities. It has no bearing on things of which we are unaware. It may not be applicable to the activities of maniacs and geniuses.

I also read, as well as I could via Babelfish, Muster und Mitteilung.
Whatever a Vexierbild is, the last paragraph is a description of my experience with the manuscript. I have to fit this in somewhere: I am no musician and my poetry is not to be seen unenciphered.

I have not compared the letter scheme to other analyses or the music idea to that of others who suggested it. There also was some discussion of stroke harmony. The theory, as I read (imagined) it, makes sense to me. I am still open to others.

Regards to all, ....... Knox
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