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VMs: Re: Topic for discussion

Hi Jeff,

in short:

(All my counts are taken from the Takeshi Takahashi transcription. The
source of my transcription file is Jorge Stolfis interlinear
transcription archive, which is a great and helpful source.)

First line:

> daiinol.qotoy.cthyd.shody.otchody.cheal

"daiinol" is very unlikely to occur - a "iin" glyph will be nearly
always at a "words" end. But there are some exceptions. So there are
occurences of "daiinol", but only two.

"qotoy" looks possible and "familiar", but is an extremely rare "word" -
only two occurences too.

"cthyd" is a seldom seen "word" too - and a "yd" ending occurs less
frequently than a "dy" ending.

"otchody" is "well-formed" but relatively rare.

So there are no "invalid" words in your first line, but a strange
concentration of rare words. If your three lines should form a
paragraph, I would miss the gallow in the first word of the first line,
which is nearly always there. (But there are exceptions of this simple
rule in the manuscript.)

Second line:

> odyd.qokchar.odaiin.dain.daram.dchykol

"odyd" is strange because of the "yd" ending, but occurs at f14v.

"qokchar" looks "familar", but is extremly rare and occurs only once

"dchykol" looks a little bit strange because of the "y" exactly in the
middle of a long word, which is unexpected for somebody who looks often
in the manuscript. It is not iregular, but if I would see something like
it in a transcription, I would suspect a missing space after the "y" -
and "dchy" and "kol" are rather normal "words". Indeed, "dchykol" does
not occur at all in the manuscript.

Line structure: "daram" is a good candidate for the last word in a line.
Words with the "ram"-ending are frequent last words and seldom seen in
other positions.

Third line:

> ykch.ody.cthyd.qokor.qokychydy

"ykch" is a rare word and occurs only once.

"cthyd" is rare too.

"qokychydy" looks strange and does not occur at all. In a transcription
I would suspect some missing spaces and think that it should be
"qoky.chy.dy", which are all rather frequent words.

General: A strange property of your sample is the too frequent "yd"

I hope it may help you.


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