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Re: *****SPAM***** VMs: Pointing at spaces
25/02/2005 9:33:16 AM, Knox Mix <knoxmix@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>It might be easier to demonstrate spaces are insignificant by recovering
>the insertion rules and showing that they are not language-like.
That would lead nowhere.
First, the segmentation of continuous text into its
constituent morphemes is a problem still unsolved.
Next, "Insertion rules" vary from writing system to
writing system. In Arabic for instance each letter
"decides" if a space is needed. The letter "d" for
instance can never connect to the next letter
and so is always followed by a break. Same with '
(the glottal stop).
Some morphemes are prefixed, some suffixed, and that
obscures the morpheme boundaries, e.g. 'al malak
is written ' lmlk
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