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VMs: VMs word models --> state machines...?

Nick Pelling wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm planning to extend my JavaScript VMs code to handle various well-known VMs "word" models, to measure how well they actually work relative to each other - as my code already uses a state machine, it should just be a question of converting each paradigm to its implicit state machine, letting it run, & gathering statistics.

But rather than reinvent the wheel, may I ask if anyone has already tried to turn VMs word models into state machines? I don't recall seeing anything, but there may be something somewhere...

For example, I just tried to do this for Michael Winkelmann's recent model, but my poor German comprehension has left me a little bemused - can someone get me properly started?

AIUI, this says:-

I-class            i    n    r    l    m
E-class        e    o    s    y    g
K-class (gallows)    k    t    f    p
L-class        ih    ch    cfh        [+ sh ?]
X-class (exceptions)    a    q

Law#1:    E follows (E / ch / K / a)
Law#2:    I follows (I / L)
Law#3:    I (except i) usually terminates a word
Law#4:    E (except e  [or "o" too?] ) usually terminates a word
Law#5:    [Not sure about this one - any suggestions?]
Law#6:    [Not sure about this one either - any suggestions?]
Law#7:    K-class is nearly always surrounded by E-class, or as c[K]h

The absence of "d" is puzzling: should the final E-class "g" actually be "d"? This could just be a typo in the table. I'm far from sure about "ih" as well, & the whole issue of c[K]h seems not to fully match how they appear in the text IIRC... etc etc.

Thanks, .....Nick Pelling.....

Hi Nick,

If you know any German at all you are ahead of me but this is what I get out of #5 with the help(?) of Bablefish.

Fifth harmony law: The "l" exception
The glyph "l" can be used (can behave) as a glyph of the "e" class, although it is actually a glyph of the "i" class.
"l" is a "joker", which can be "i" or "e".

I think some "ih" glyphs might be found with the MrSID's.

Regards, ...... Knox
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