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VMs: re: Jandek drawing "asteraceae"

Perhaps you are correct about the lyrics, Ronald, I haven't studied his art
in depth.  In any case, I agree that it is highly possible before travelling
back he stuck the term "asteraceae" in google images and made some
interesting drawings of the resulting highly diversified ancient herbal
family including some forms which some have identified in the folios as
Daisy, chamomille and even mistakenly as ferns ...  It is a remarkable old
family with a large mythological and herbal lore, although I was not aware
Jandek was into that kind of thing.

Because you could be correct, Imust conceed it is quite possible he made a
phonetic alphabet with the letters by the astor flower on follio 100 item
2-3, made some other wacky guesses in concert with Radiohead and fed the
phonetic pieces for his mac to speak in Voice Fred and transcribed the whole
thing.   I suspect our lucky recreation of his work in Fred's monotone
production allowed me to hear far too much end line rhyme in our stacks
here.  The boss said we needed it on Blue Gene and not Hypercard on an
abandoned OS 9 platform.  Undoubtedly, that is where the failing lies.  The
Princess voice was far more pleasant, but there does seem to be less rhyme,
and since rhyme shouldn't be a consequence of the voice chosen, I should
have known better than to bring it up at all.  Can't compare in any case to
Radio Head's art with the Macintosh voices!  Should have known to stick only
with the existing alphabet which has yielded the portions of the text that
have been deciphered, and stuck to the chain of thought that it is a tiny,
fun unknown language, rather than the implausible chain that it might be an
unknown phonetic transcription of a known language.  I mean there are so
many examples of tiny examples of completely lost languages, particularly
completely strange ones in Europe, I must remember to stick with the game
plan and play the odds...

On a positive note, this Jandek lyric supposition would indeed explain why
there is more positional structure than produced in hoax recreations ala
Rugg or via "wheeled" grilles....

Alas, this is too bad, because it would be extremely appealing to have a
grand unifying theme to the whole work despite the six sections, a theme
suggesting the work related to varieties of a single herbal family for
instance.  Physics can posit a grand unifying theme for the universe, it is
a shame we can't discover one which DOES NOT include witchcraft, Atlanteans,
ISIS, or time-travelling artists for the VMS.  Thank you for saving me the
work of determining if there are historical examples of volumes in the time
period at issue addressing such a single family, i.e., a one family herbal,
as I too must conclude that the Jandek hypothesis is not only equally
plausible, but most likely more so.  Did you have a hand in forming the
Jandek hyposthesis per chance?  I am afraid even if I had started down that
road I would have checked myself for fear I was smitten by the ghost of
Levitov, so I commend you for developing it, or if not you, the appropriate
scholar.  If you have in fact considered the alternatives to the Jandek
hippopotamus, which camp in general do you side with.  Hoax of historical
age, modern hoax, etc.?

Turning to other matters, do you have a feel for whether the consensus on
this list is that there is more order (of any kind) than produced by Rugg's
examples (via other true quantitative analysis) or do most on the list
accept that the method used by Rugg produces hoaxes equally as convincing as
the text at issue?  I realize that one probably can't make a statement about
the list consensus, but there is a small possibility that it might be strong
enough to opine...?

Again, thanks for your most reasonable and excellent redirection to
productive lines.  Life is short, Voynich is hard, and one must welcome
suggestions where even a tiny piece can lead in a fresh positive direction.

Thanks and cheers!


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