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RE: VMs: Re: entropy, shorthand systems, gallows characters

Hi everyone,

At 15:08 31/03/2005 +0100, Marke Fincher wrote:
Bear in mind that any cipher (whether verbose or not),
preserves the order of independent plaintext elements.

Not true for transposition ciphers.

For example, space transposition ciphers shuffle spaces around: and "oro ror" looks a lot to me like some kind of space transposition cipher.

I also suspect that long gallows, gallows-delimited Neal keys, and the first letter of each line may well all be transposition ciphers too: and if Philip Neal is right about lines being written alternately on at least some pages (ie in two interleaved passes), then there could well be a *line transposition cipher* within the overall cipher system as well. :-o

Oranges are fruit the only not! :-)

Cheers, .....Pell Nicking.....

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