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RE: VMs: Re: entropy, shorthand systems, gallows characters

Hi Marke,

At 16:57 31/03/2005 +0100, Marke Fincher wrote:
Thanks.  I hadn't heard that.  But line transposition seems hardly
worth the effort and certainly isn't going to slow up my decryption
attempt. ;-)

If there is solid evidence of line transposition (which would be extremely unusual, to say the least), then any proposed cipher system would need to include an explanation for it.

If Philip Neal is looking in: do you have a list of specific places where you think line transposition is happening (based on the handwriting)? If so, have you looked for any content-based evidence to support it on those pages? ie where (say) words on alternate lines are more closely related than words on adjacent lines?

Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....

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