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RE: VMs: Cell
Citát Justin Neviackas <Justin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> I have been reading the posts to this list for about 2 months now and I
> think I may have some input on this one....
> The images on that page look like plant structures to me.
Might be too.
> Plants use evapotranspiration to move water and nutrients from the
> ground up into the upper parts of the plant. Water that evaporates from
> the leaves pulls water from the ground in a cappilary effect. The
> images on the link
> http://beinecke.library.yale.edu/dl_crosscollex/brbldl/oneITEM.asp?pid=2
> 002046&iid=1006231&srchtype=ITEM look to me to be a cross section of a
> plant. Or really any tube type structure in any organism (a vein or
> artery for example).
Also possible. Can you find more actual images so one can compare them to the
manuscript images?
I have just noticed on that page, that there are those "container" images from
the "pharmaceutical" section too. See four containers/towers int the middle
circle, see one to the right from the upper-left circle See some at the bottom
of the upper-right and between upper-right and right circle. The castle on the
upper right circle is bogus, i think. What are they? What should be they? What
about contens description or chemical mixture contents description? What if the
"towers" or "containers" in the middle of the middle circle means chemical
composition of some fluid inside the circle-like object? What if the containers
between circles mean description of fluid flowing/being present between the
circles? This requires deeper analysis of the "container alphabet"...
Also keep in mind, that the image does not have to show static state, it can
show dynamics and relationship between different states of the same object.
Also it can show same object from different point of views.
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