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Re: VMs: Fish (was What's Missing or Different?)

Dear all,

Dana wrote:

> The nymph in the mouth of the 'fish' in f79v might
> represent melusine (mermaid/siren).
> <http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/dagon4.jpg>

That's a nice comparison...

> The scene in the pool at the bottom of f79v
> reminds me of Jason and the
> Argonauts. Melusine represents the Sirens. The
> Salamander distinguishes itself as a poisonous
> creature (possibly representing a
> dragon). There appears to be a Golden Fleece at
> the right end of the pool. There appears to be a
> horse or possibly Unicorn in this scene,
> confronted by possibly a dog or dragon.  

I agree about the salamander, a beast that also
occurs in heraldry like the golden fleece, if it
is indeed one (as I have proposed myself in the
past). The beast on the right facing left has
claws so should represent a lion or something
similar, even though it does not look very
much like one. Its pose is also that of a 
heraldic lion, compare also to the lion(ess) 
in the zodiac pages.

Cheers, Rene

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