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VMs: One-eyed one-breasted nymphs...?

Hi everyone,

Enough of this NLP stuff: has anyone noted that the zodiac nymphs not only appear to have been drawn with one breast (and had the other added in by a later owner), but also appear to have been drawn with one eye? Occasionally the faint (but well-drawn) original eye is still visible if you look carefully.

I probably wouldn't have picked up on this had I not read a passing mention a few days ago in Carlo Ginzburg's excellent "Ecstasies" on the mythological motif of the unilateral or "half-man", who had one arm, one leg, one eye, etc (pp.240-241, and possibly elsewhere). Ginzburg refers to R.Needham 'Unilateral Figures', in "Reconnaissances", Toronto 1980, pp.17-40, as well as to various others.

Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....

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