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RE: VMs: Michelangelo "code"

I read the sample material before I posted, and it was on its 'merits' that I gave my opinion.
Without paying a penny I can see that the 'solution' falls into the same ludicrous rubbish that has, for example, been seen in 'solutions' to the Phaistos disk.  It's easy to do - just assign a few target words to the symbols/glyphs/runes/characters, fill inbetween the words with any grammar you need, and BINGO! English plaintext.
Here's proof that the VMS was written by Tolkein.
EVA character        'Meaning'
a                            GREAT
ch                          EVIL
d                            HOBBIT
e                            POTATO
f                             EXIST
i                             MANY
k                            ARMY
l                             WAR
n                            DEATH
o                            ELF 
r                            BATTLE
s                           TOWER
sh                         GATHER
t                            MOUNTAIN
y                           WEST
And LO!  f1r's: "fachys ykal ar ataiin shol shory" becomes...
Or, to be precise...
In the West there exists a great evil tower.
To war with the army in the west!
There shall be a great battle!
At the great mountain there shall be many deaths.
Gather ye elves for war!
Gather ye elves for the battle in the West!
And so on ad nauseum.
Who cares that the rest of the VMS is almost exactly the same, just with slight variations in word order?  Who cares that the text has nothing to do with the diagrams? Who cares that decades of proper research by dedicated, rational people is belittled and embarrassed by my crap?  As long as the Euros keep coming, I'll keep you up to date.
By the way, if anybody would like more of my Tolkein decipherment, please send me some money and I'll happily supply it (I could do it very quickly if I just swap the characters in the EVA Interlinear file for my 'deciphered' words - nobody would notice if I did that, and it hardly counts as plagiarism does it).  I promise, as a benefit of reading my work, that you'll also gain self-confidence, give up smoking, commune with the inner dolphin and gain personal power.
Sorry to be harsh, Tom, but I'd ask for your money back and invest it in a copy of D'Imperio (or even Newbold).

Tom Procter <tomprocter47@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Rob wrote...

On the strength of the 'translations' of f1r to 1v, given as samples on
the project's site, I'd be amazed if anybody signed up at all.


Perhaps you should have a look to the 'sample page' before giving comments:


If you are not interested in solutions why are you posting?


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