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Re: VMs: VMS Word context similarities

Quoting Marke Fincher <MarkeFincher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> I found this quite encouraging, so then using the same
> parameters I ran it on the VMS and here is what I got: 
> (ar,or)

A good approach, but of course, you must be careful with unknown stuff.
par example: if this really happens to be some language cocktail from the
territories, where the Indoeuropean & Burmese (& other, even older) languages
meet, so
"ar" means probably "and" ...
"or" has probably 2 different meanings: 1. "God" (probably a short form of
"Ahura"?), 2. some piece of grammar ("oror", is it genitive for "God"?).

so, "or" and "ar" are (if it is a mix of these tongues) not a group at all, if I
did not mess up the idea of these groups. So, there could be problems in such a
classification, you have to "paddle slow, slow"...

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