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VMs: Re: The Eva alphabet

--- GC <glenclaston@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I'm still having a problem that I need to resolve
> involving expression of characters.  The EVA "ee"
> is sometimes "ee", but other times a character I
> call "u" because it looks like a "u".  This is two
> 'c's run together.  

Yes, this is one of the typical problems of 
transcribing. The continuum of shapes between
Eva-r and Eva-S is another. This does not mean
that there is only one character. The vast 
majority is clearly one or the other, but some
characters were written such that it is hard to
say to which it belongs.
Same with characters which may sometimes be written
separately, sometimes ligatured.

To solve all these, we simply need a better-quality
source. And since we deal with human handwriting,
with its natural variations, we can only know for
sure once the text has been translated or decrypted.
And we all know how far we stand there.

All the best, Rene

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