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Re: VMs: Old and new revelations
--- Nick Pelling <incoming@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> At 01:23 03/01/03 -0800, Rene wrote:
> >If the VMs is a modern (19th-C) fake, it is
> >completely unrealistic to think that Voynich was
> >aware of it.
> I strongly agree... though the problem with the kind
> of under-the-counter
> deals which WMV appears to have been doing circa
> 1900 is that provenance
> information is strongly asymmetric - the seller
> often knows more than can
> safely be told to the buyer.
But don't forget: there were about 1000 MSs (I don't
remember where I saw that figure) which the Jesuits
had kept tucked away from confiscation by the state
and probably the mainstream Roman church.
Then the Pope, who is a friend of the Jesuit
General, buys about 300 of them and donates these
to the Vatican library. But just before that,
within the same year, some American businessman
called Voynich manages to buy about 30 MSs, in
complete secrecy.
For me, that is already enough under-the-counter
dealing, if the main argument of the 'conspiracy
theory' is Voynich's character.
Cheers, Rene
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