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Re: VMs: Super hi-res scanner suggestions...?

Nick Pelling wrote:
My copy of Kraus should be arriving tomorrow morning - may I ask our UK-based list-members for suggestions as to how/where we can get the most insanely hi-res scan of its VMS pictures done?

While I'm Maui-based rather than UK at the moment, I'll just inject that a normal 1200x1200 dpi flatbed scan on a simple HP R80 was enough to get me down to the point where I could clearly see the "pixel" artifacts (I don't know what they're called in printing, sorry) in the plates in Newbold. The files were 30 MB and up depending on what encoding format I used.

I looked at the Kraus plate of the mega-foldout that we've been
discussing at the UCLA library, where they wouldn't let me take
digital pictures or scan it. It's a large fold-out in Kraus also,
so you might want to get a big flatbed or be prepared to stitch
the scans together carefully.

I think it would be interesting if we could use internet map
technology to zoom into these scans, the kind used to let you
zoom from your country into the cul-de-sac down the street from
you: mouse on a point and hit a button that will produce more
and more detail for you.
	Jim Gillogly
	Sterday, 7 Afteryule S.R. 2003, 16:24, 10 Ben 6 Kankin, Seventh Lord of Night

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