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RE: VMs: RE: Mailing list magic...

Sorry Rafal,

	I do realize that there are brand new antiques being created all the time.
By antique, in this case - I was
referring to the DOM in use. The reason the newest Netscapes 6.2+ work with
Nick's script is because they
are above DOM zero, and far more compliant with all the other browsers. I'm
not saying that Netscape is a poor
browser - just that the early versions were too proprietary for their own
good. W3C standards have pushed
the major vendors to adapt a better designed DOM. Trying to write for these
older browsers dramatically increases
the workload, and it is for this reason that the W3C is taking action to
move to standards. No one should have to
write five or six different versions of a script to be compatible with every
operating system and browser combination.
The browsers have to become standard and use as little proprietary
behaviours as possible.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-vms-list@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-vms-list@xxxxxxxxxxx]On
Behalf Of Rafal T. Prinke
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 3:38 PM
To: vms-list@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: VMs: RE: Mailing list magic...

Nick Pelling wrote:

> If I can fix it up to work under NS4.76, all well & good... but (as John
> pointed out) incompatibility with such an antique hardly amounts to the
> greatest loss to the world. :-)

Just for the record - it does not work on NS 4.8, either. This
is the recent (2002) upgrade of 4.7x. Not antique at all! :-)

Best regards,

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