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VMs: Re: Re: Suggestions for keywords...?
I would approach the question in a different way. It's easy to generate a
word-list + word-count of the mailing list archive. Then we could pick the
most useful words from this list.
Then no one would forget "necronomicon", "castle", "ghibbeline", "merlons"
etc. It would be good to have such a list anyway, no one really knows what's
in the archive now.
> Unless I find a way of searching the archives online that works pretty
> as well as grep, I ain't gonna go online to search....
I think that the people who are really interested will download the archives
anyway. It would be nice if we could supply an offline search tool that
people can download together with the archive. (I once wrote a lame perl
script that does just that.) And nowadays there's even a grep-clone under
The script is here: www.euronet.nl/users/kazil/extract.pl But I'm sure we
could do better.
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