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VMs: The Next Best Thing...

...to having your own copy of the VMs is to make your
own facsimile edition.

To do this, I imported all the color images I have into
a Word document, sized them the same as the
Voynich, and printed them on parchment paper with
a color printer. I also printed the all-text folios (i.e.
no color) to help bulk it up.

I cut them down to size, except for a half-inch on the
left, punched holes in that side, and put them in a
7.5x10 inch binder.

Doing this conveys a much more 'realistic' feel to the
VMs, and makes you appreciate the meticulous work
that went into it.

Below is a list of color folios that I have:

11r, 16v, 17r, 33v, 34r, 47r, 52r, 56r, 67r, 68r3,
68v, 69r, 75r, 78r,82r, 83v, 84r, 88r

If others are available, I would like to add them
to my editon. I'm also willing to send mine for
someone else's collection, or even the Word


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