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Re: VMs: Re: The VMS "alphabet" and some other issues...

Philip: Looks like we are in agreement here, conceptually at least. 

I believe there are 3 elements working here.  

1) A few words are in plain alpha substitution (Or something like it). 
These words do not fit the "alpha order" sequence at all.  See the word
for Aldebaran (d ch o l d a r) on f68r3. I have been able to find at
least 3 star names appropriate to the picture using this method so far
(d=al ch = de o=b l=r d=al a=a r=n and e=c).  However, most of the other
words come out garbage.  However, there are very few Voynich rules which
fall out of the rule.  Perhaps those words actually numbers...

2) Numbers.  I think Robert is onto something here.  The fact that the
text under the line on f68r3 comes out to 17r decbr (17 december) in my
substitution is too much of a coincidence for the date in 1615 (okol)
and the moon/pleiades conjunction that Robert found on 30 December in
today's calendar (and 17 december after taking into consideration the
change in the Gregorian calendar)

3) An encryption where characters are placed in the 10 character grid
vertically and read in a 5-digit binary sequence horizontally. (01110 =
a, 10001 =k, 00100 = o, 11100 = t or whatever..).  If you took any
modern language and simply put the characters in alpha order you would
find many duplicated letters (eht eimov asw dgoo) and most words would
not end in the same characters (ie ..dy ..y ..edy) as they do in

The problem with all of this is that it fails decryption rules: being
that you must know which sequence is decoded by which rule.  So there
would have to be some indicator that the next sequence was textual vs
numerical vs encrypted.  

Soon as I figure it out you all will know <grin>

Larry Roux
Syracuse University
>>> philipneal_vms@xxxxxxxxxxx 02/02/03 17:05 PM >>>

>I took 7 lines of text from F76r and plugged them into excel
>  Almost every "word" has letters placed in a particular order.  I know
>have seen mention of this before, but now I am convinced.

I like it: compare my own


and my current site



But can anyone explain why certain sequences of letters seem not to
occur, e.g. pe, fe; le, re; el, er, em, en?

Philip Neal

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