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RE: VMs: Virgin Mary (was re: VMS: Finding)

Rene wrote:

> No, we can't :-)
> But then again, see my earlier post why I think that
> this crown has a completely different meaning.
> Let me check at home at which degree of Libra
> Regulus culminates. This also shifts by 1 degree
> every 70-odd years. Unfortunately, we can't be
> sure which degree of Libra is meant with this
> nymph. I wish they were logically ordered, as you
> so hopefully suggest at the top, but we can't be
> too sure.

I don't think I was pointing to the "actual meaning" of the crown,
only its "symbolic meaning", in the sense that it is a crown
associated with the Virgin Mary.  What this meant to the author is
of course unknown.

I'm not absolutely certain about the crown orders in places like
say - Italy, but I am familiar with the specific crowns of England
and Germany, heraldic and royal, and I'm actually learning quite a
bit now about the specific history and meanings of crowns in the
Catholic faith.  We always have to keep in mind that our study
begins some 500 years or earlier, which means having to filter out
the modern derivitives.  This one is almost positively associated
with Mary, and when I have time I'll check out the other crowns.
Maybe there's a pattern?


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