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VMs: Conclusions - Algorithm?

Nick wrote:
> I think it is suggestive of a pair cipher encoding vowel-less text (with
> vowel-like half typically preceding the non-vowel-like half, to confuse
> issue).


 I have some trouble understanding this. Do you mean (I'm improvising as I
go along):

I see a blue sky with big white clouds through my window

 Step 1: remove vowels
s bl sk wth bg wht clds thrgh m wndw

 Step 2: split in pairs ingnoring the spaces
sb ls kw th bg wh tc ld st hr gh mw nd w
(this already looks pretty undecipherable to me :-)

 Step 3: encode by looking up each pair up in a 26*26 table / codebook
38 228 253 160 14 184 60 48  380 144 28 299 56 621
(using longer and less obvious code-words than I am using here)
(or using roman numerals)

 Step 4: encode the reulting text using a substitution cypher
ch bbh bec afA ad ahd fA dh chA add bh bii ef fba

 Step 5: add some special characters to signify change from length 2 to 3
and back again

 Step 6: add some random spaces
chEb bh becafA OadE ahdOfAd hEchAad dObh Ebii Oef Efba

 We get a low entropy text with a lot of repetition and possibly even a lot
of anagrams.

 Greetings, Petr

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