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Re: VMs: Conclusions - Algorithm?


One of very importand point (as I think) - the text should be deciphered in a simple way-
Else it has very low usability.
So, there are 4 possibilities
(1) HIGH USABILITY. The cipher is simple to encode and to decode. Then, after a short training the VMS "language" is
simple readable and writable whithout  intermedial step of  "coding".
(2) HIGH SECRET. The author was very afraid (of church, authorities etc.) and done the cipher VERY deep - encoding and decoding takes MANY steps,
 the text is not directla readable/writable after a training.
(3) CIPHERING MANIA. The author wanted to make encoding-decoding as complex as possible.
(4)  TRICK. The author wanted to sell the book as expensive as possible, and used the deep ciphering as a marketing trick.

Here I want to deny the possibility 2 (HIGH FEAR)- The kind of pictures is so, that the author can be punished only for pictures and diagrams.
If he wanted to make real secret of  what this book about - he should never make pictures with naked women and stars and fantastical plants.

Then I also want to deny the possibility 3 (CIPHERING MANIA)-
In this case he should be aware of decipherung technology of his time and make the cipher impossibly deep. Then we have no chance at all -- the method can be very complex, and more,
the text must have a lot of errors because of algorithm complicity-

So, in only one case we can discuss something - if the encoding is relative simple and the text is readable.

PK#01 wrote:
Nick wrote:
I think it is suggestive of a pair cipher encoding vowel-less text (with
vowel-like half typically preceding the non-vowel-like half, to confuse


 I have some trouble understanding this. Do you mean (I'm improvising as I
go along):

I see a blue sky with big white clouds through my window

 Step 1: remove vowels
s bl sk wth bg wht clds thrgh m wndw

 Step 2: split in pairs ingnoring the spaces
sb ls kw th bg wh tc ld st hr gh mw nd w
(this already looks pretty undecipherable to me :-)

 Step 3: encode by looking up each pair up in a 26*26 table / codebook
38 228 253 160 14 184 60 48  380 144 28 299 56 621
(using longer and less obvious code-words than I am using here)
(or using roman numerals)

 Step 4: encode the reulting text using a substitution cypher
ch bbh bec afA ad ahd fA dh chA add bh bii ef fba

 Step 5: add some special characters to signify change from length 2 to 3
and back again

 Step 6: add some random spaces
chEb bh becafA OadE ahdOfAd hEchAad dObh Ebii Oef Efba

 We get a low entropy text with a lot of repetition and possibly even a lot
of anagrams.

 Greetings, Petr

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