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VMs: Latin abbreviations
On Wednesday 09 July 2003 15:48, Rene Zandbergen wrote:
> - Perhaps there is no solution (it is just noise)
> If there is:
> - Perhaps it is impossible to retrieve (lost
> language, irreversible encryption)
I finally started to look systematically at Cappelli's dictionary and, as I
mentioned earlier, there are many glyphs (and even combination of these) that
are exactly the same or very similar to those found in the vms text. (I'll
post a table when I finish it).
It is interesting that many symbols mean different things in different
contexts (e.g. the glyph as a suffix vs. prefix; even in different words,
they mean similar things but not exactly).
So, if the same glyphs were used for multiple abbreviations, the result
becomes a lossy compressed text that cannot be retrieved back accurately
(unless you know exactly what you wrote). As a consequence I bet that the
increase of entropy that should be due to the abbreviation, would be lost by
the multiple mappings of the text into the same glyph.
Short words, text very redundant and therefore low entropy... but
unfortunately this could not be read back.
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