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VMs: F1r.p1

Fourth word attain. Different ciphers from reverse encryption table version

attain (selected path in VMS)

qdqszy, sbsqav, fofdni, peptyz, gngcoh, hmhbpg, u'uoct, xyxmer, ofoux',
rcrr'x ,'u'jho, tatpbu,
dqdflk, zvzkgp, epeemj, mhmxub, crcgkl, bsbhjm, jkj're, lilytc, vzvnds,
iliaqf, kjkzsd, yxylfq.

There will be twenty five versions of any word. This example was not
compiled with a useful table. It will not decrypt yet. It is an example of
use of the table. The onerous task is to find the right order for both the
alphabet table and the glyph order. Would anyone like to help?


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