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Re: VMs: F1r.p1

--- Jeff <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> The onerous task is to find the
> right order for both the
> alphabet table and the glyph order. Would anyone
> like to help?

One piece of advice: you're using the Eva
transcription alphabet, which is a method for
representing the writing on the Voynich MS in
a simple electronic form. It does however not
tell you which combinations of characters are
actually single letters in the Voynich MS.
For example, a democratic procedure (have
the members of the mailing list vote) would
tell you that the combinations 'ch', 'sh', 
'in' and 'iin' are most probably single letters
(OK: glyphs).
A similar vote on 'ckh' and 'cth' might not give
such a clear answer.
Defining the proper alphabet of the language
of the Voynich MS is an equally important task.

Cheers, Rene

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