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Re: VMs: F1r.p1

> > The onerous task is to find the
> > right order for both the
> > alphabet table and the glyph order. Would anyone
> > like to help?

Rene Zandbergen <r_zandbergen@xxxxxxxxx> write

> One piece of advice: you're using the Eva
> transcription alphabet, which is a method for
> representing the writing on the Voynich MS in
> a simple electronic form. It does however not
> tell you which combinations of characters are
> actually single letters in the Voynich MS.
> For example, a democratic procedure (have
> the members of the mailing list vote) would
> tell you that the combinations 'ch', 'sh',
> 'in' and 'iin' are most probably single letters
> (OK: glyphs).
> A similar vote on 'ckh' and 'cth' might not give
> such a clear answer.
> Defining the proper alphabet of the language
> of the Voynich MS is an equally important task.
> Cheers, Rene

Point taken. I had considered this early on but decided to ignore the the
issue until I had access to more images. However GC has pointed me to a site
on early research which I will be looking into soon. Btw did you see my
point about line 1 of F1r.p1 and the mirrored glyph pairs? On the image I
have these appear to be distinct characters, otherwise I would have dropped
the idea because I would not have been able to distinguish then.

So it goes like this:

fachys.ykal.ar.ataiin     as written in line file.

Note the 9 glyph appears before and after the 'tilted' 2 glyph. Seeming to
bridge these words.
Next the a glyph appears before and after the 'tilted' 4 glyph. Again
bridging the words.
ar.ataiin also seems to be bridged but merely because it only has two
glyphs. That may be intentional. Has anyone seen this pattern elsewhere? I
can't see it anywhere on else on the image I have. When I paired the
characters it became apparent at the start but nowhere else.

fa ac ch hy ys    sy (mirrored) yk ka al    al (mirrored) ar    ra
(mirrored) at ta ai ii in.

Now this may be mere coincidence, but if it appears at any other points in
the VMS it may be the key sequence for whatever method was used. Has anyone
tried this pair splitting before? I may run a program on the text myself to
see if I can find any others. First I need to go back to basics and look at
the site indicated by GC. Thanks to him for the link.

Regards Jeff

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