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Re: VMs: Alchemical / MY Version

Francois Almaleh wrote:
> My vision ...
> 1) Hoax or not hoax : we'll able to know it only if we can decipher or not
> the text. It's not an important subject. It's  possible. I'm not sure. We'll
> know that later. The example of Codex Seraphinianus from Luigi Serafini is a
> good way for a better thought.

	I think that Jacques found that the Codex
Seraphinianus doesn't really 
have a character set.  I doubt that the VMs is a hoax,
but there's no known 
way of proving that; I'm with you there.

> 2) The location of the text is not essential. Italy, France, UK, Praga...
> never mind. I work on a method to compare entropy of the VMs with several
> tongues (7) and texts of the Middle Ages (the texts are without
> translation).

	I believe that Tugba has some stuff on this:


> Just for information, for example, the books of the Rodolph
> II's libraries were dispatched all over Europe still 1900.

> 3) The author of the VMs wanted to hide a "false" secret. "False" because a
> true one would have had to be discovered by anyone. Any formula created for
> example with flowers *and* zodical signs doesn't exist.

	By "false" do you mean fantasy, figurative,
theoretical? I don't 

> 4) The author believed in the Nature and the Life. Why ? The plants, the
> women... are the nature and the life. The nakedness is a another way to
> describe the life. The zodical signs are in the texts to coordonate the
> effects of plants and recipes.

	I agree.  Others have said that the nymphs could be
nature sprites.
I like the idea that they symbolize life.  The
astrological diagrams (we 
aren't certain that's what they are, the goat, etc.
could have been done 
by later hands), could be part of an all-encompassing
scheme, as Dana 
suggests, or to give times for preparation of medicine,

> 5) It seems a lot of flowers were invented to give them a power, a
> surnatural power. But as the women and zodical signs are rather true, it is
> possible the flowers are real too. But the main idea is not if the flowers
> existed or not. The meaning of the flowers is more important than the
> drawing itself.

	Dana is identifying the plants.  So we think they may
be actual 
plants, although we didn't think so in the past.

> 6) Alchemical or not, the *young* naked women in "bathroom" communicate
> their youth for the old people (to have a longer life). It's important. This
> existed in the Middle Ages. The Philosopher's stone is not only the
> conversion from iron to gold. The gold is the symbol the longer and pure
> life

	A good point, the women are symbolic of life.  But
there is 
very little of anything inanimate, of non-living
earthly material.  
The alchemists often showed such things in symbolic
fashion, but 
I sure haven't seen anything like this. 

	There was and is spagyric alchemy, with plants, but I 
know little about it.

> 7) The manuscript, written by one, two or three authors is
> coherent/consistent. The author knew what he made.


> 8) The book is well built : 3 steps :
> a) Flowers : description and effects (for a particular recipe)
> b) The time (zodical signs) to use them during a  year and effects on women
> when they are combined together
> c) "Extraction" of the principle of the life from young naked women.
> Lastly : pages to explain a summary of the recipe

	Yes, but remember, that's our interpretation, and it
that the pages are in the right order.

> I have read a lot of books and listen conferences to have built this
> hypothesis. 

	I agree with a lot of it, except the VMs has little to
with alchemy as we know it.  Perhaps there is a big
infusion of folk 
belief.  If we could identify folk beliefs in some
country that resembles 
what we see in the VMs, it could be a big breakthrough!

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