Thank you for the reference. There is still a great deal of work to be done
to identify all the herbs in the VMS. Any assistance is always greatly
appreciated. At this point with the Holidays approaching and year-end work in
progress, I may not be able to spend much time on this effort until next year.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 2:02
Subject: VMs: Re: Re: Witchcraft and
If you want to approach the subject from "the other
side" then you could leaf through Gessner & Orzechowski - Gift und
Arzneipflanzen Mitteleuropas. This is a serious book with a lot of
pharmacology, healing effects, side efects, spectacular tales of
poisonings (accidents with ergot) and misuse (oleander for abortion)
and tidbits of folklore (inuit
drinking other mushroom-eater's ur**e because muscarine comes
out just as potent as it went in). This is my favorite book, but I'm sure you
can find similar books in English as