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Re: VMs: Re: VMS Decryption

hi all :-)

I'm not trying to obtrude the ~folding~ point again (but that is all I
have to offer (per ES)) (sorry).. but, the gallow legs _start_ with an
UPWARD stroke (right handed author/scribe). Any word length is PRE
known (as it is _coded_) establishing some of the gallow(s) over
towering lowercase structures. The _lowerCase_ "characters" are just
pointers to the "existing KEY"/(or page area) you are ON at that time.
THEY, _lower case_ characters, point to the same area (even/ALWAYS on
another KEY (8 TOTAL gallows - some emphised/embellished (at times in
vms) *yes*)). (i.e. eva e = gallows 1 position (area)in all of the
8 keys.)


Those "lowercase" / standalone characters REMAIN STATIC to its KEY!!
The Gallows REMAIN STATIC to PAGE/key positioning.

*IF* ES is correctly remembered here, one would only have a
Tic.Tac.Toe board type designed (folded Thrice) vellium (producing a
3x3 or 9 total SQUARES)
(simply on a piece of paper/ or memorized (positioning) by scriber)

NOTE: (shape) "#" = TTT <- or is that an Octothorpe thing?

*anyway*, the CENTER (of #) is NOT used in the Folding (DEcoding) as
it is mine(?)/yours/ours? (per ES)


IN EACH of these above "squares" on the above Tic.Tac.Toe design
(hereafter ref as TTT) YOU would ADD ANOTHER TTT in EACH square
creating 9 MORE in each of 4 (& MIrRoRiNg 9 in the opposite 4) "L7"
leaving the center (#) OPEN. (enough for even ENGLISH language done
TWICE OVER with Numbers 1-9 included & space (open center) left over).

(It's NOT in English BTW) "L7"

* * *
* * */ 

>this is the MIRROR of the same alphabet/numbers!

NOTE: Center remains OPEN/EMPTY and is to be ~spun~ on Gallows change.
just FLIP (rotate) it over etc..

back to gallows:
THEY, (the gallows), are written/drawn left to right.
&THEY, (the gallows). can _mirror_ the coding!


EACH page, paragraph, even word/thought/(secret?), to reconsider WILL
HAVE/can have (@ scribes whim), character in another (1 of 8 sections
of KEY) area/page. THUS VMS gallows in midword, and THUS gallows at
starting of the pages. THUS the rarer side.by.side gallows.

(author/scribes whim above)

The changing _Gallows_ encountered in this scheme'd encountered
mid-sentence/word ~allow~ for expanding the (it's) undecypherabilty
(whatever language(s)!)

with this _scheme_ of 8X folding, you can change _almost infinitly_
especially if you don't know (or have to expose the STARTING POINT)

I'm guilty of calling this a ~mere TTT key~ (since it ROTATES/FOLDS
also to its OPPOSITE/Mirrored side) ES shows the FLOW of the folding
better @ "http://www.diac.com/~ekwall2/voynich/"; (and YES - I
understand what a ~wackey/looney~ this makes me sound like :-\)

maybe once one is ~touched~ they always sound "nuts"...  (I'm trying
my best though to explain it in terms all might understand, as ES said
the TIME IS NOW to Decode IT)...  whatever your thoughts on me (please
reconsider the above).. don't shoot the messenger (as they say?) THX


Jeff, Nick, GC and others here ARE SO CLOSE I get goose-hairs! 

Good luck to all

steve (you ALL have it surrounded now!) ekwall

ps don't forget: any c_gallow_c is the opposite (mirror) of itself

pss - you can/should _at least_ admit "D*mn that steve ekwall was
touched by SOMETHING!" :-) anyway. & least he is persistant ABOUT
folding IT. (why doesn't he go away??? sorry charlie 1 of 12 here).

psss I did NOT ask for any of this VMS thingy :-(
pssss  I'm going outside now too :-)
Merry Christmas all! :-)

 Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2003 19:22:36 -0700
 From: DANA SCOTT <dscott520@xxxxxxx>
 Reply-To: vms-list@xxxxxxxxxxx
 To: vms-list@xxxxxxxxxxx
 Subject: VMs: Re: VMS Decryption
 Hmm. I am not sure what your train of thought is here. Yes, each of the four gallows are made with two strokes. All the gallows start with a single straight down stroke. Are you thinking then that this is the first character and that the second stoke is the second charater? This is also true of the 4 in the 4o combination of characters, which in this case together may be formed with as many as four strokes, one straight down and one loop to a horizontal right for the four and then two strokes for the o.
 Dana Scott
   ----- Original Message ----- 
   From: Jeff 
   To: vms-list@xxxxxxxxxxx 
   Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 4:51 PM
   Subject: VMs: VMS Decryption
   I have been looking at the results of various tests that I ran a while ago
   on (YES AGAIN) the EVA. I have now come to a very interesting conclusion.
   That the EVA, instead of containing too many characters for the
   representation of actual glyphs, does not have enough. The double legged
   gallows are actually pairs of characters! There is a reason for this
   assumption which I won't bore you with now. However, the table and partial
   "decryption" to what I believed to be Italian has a major flaw in it. If I
   hadn't done this decryption test I would not have stumbled upon the one
   thing that I believe will truly make sense of ALL the statistics. The next
   time I post to the list I will be either eating a HUGE piece of humble pie,
   or I will be posting the first stage decryption of either plain text, or at
   least a method to retrieve any shorthand that might be there according to
   Nick. Wish me luck because I hate humble pie.
   I'm going outside now. I may be some time.......
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