Hello Nick,
Thank you for the references. Here are a few more samples collected while
investigating Saggitarius. The first has a feel of the depictions as seen in the
VMs, though I haven't tracked down the source.
Season's Greetings,
Dana Scott
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2003 9:22
Subject: Re: VMs: Libra
Hi Dana,
At 01:30 24/12/2003 -0700, Dana Scott
wrote: >Great! Thanks. Very interesting. No doubt this will be hard to
pin down. > >Here are a few more examples:
Another route to take might be to look at the (often
circular?) designs used for Libra (and Sagittarius, etc) on astronomical
clocks from the 15th Century (which is when they started spreading through
A quick search found astronomical clocks in Prague (though I
think the Orloj's calendar is modern), Rostock, Exeter Cathedral, etc (but
no good site listing them all) - I'm also unsure whether Giovanni de
Dondi's original astronomical clock in Padua (built between 1348 and 1362)
had any kind of ornamental zodiacal calendar at all.
.....Nick Pelling.....
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