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Re: Lou Kruh, was Re: VMs: Interesting site


My thinking is that Yale would not accept the collection
unless one or more people there (faculty most importantly,
library staff less so) view cryptography as a legitimate
area of academic study, and not just applied spycraft, and
not just a minor subset of computer science.  I'm thinking
of a seed being planted which might lead to a greater
academic respectability of cryptography there and elsewhere.
The Voynich document can be seen as one of a few well
studied "messages" that have yet to be "broken", and it
could be the symbol that unites the collection and efforts
to enhance the study of cryptography.

For our own interests, that might then make it easier to get
some physical testing done on the ink and parchment, thus
perhaps narrowing down the locale and time of preparation.
It would probably also assist in making good graphics
(however that is defined) available to us for study and

I'm not expecting any benefits by next Tuesday.  Maybe in
5-10 years.

A woman, without her man, is nothing.
A woman: without her, man is nothing.
Punctuation DOES make a difference!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Gillogly" <jim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <vms-list@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2004 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: Lou Kruh, was Re: VMs: Interesting site

CWLee wrote:
> Could Mr. Kruh be persuaded to approach Yale as a
> of the collection?  If successful, in the long run that
> could benefit our efforts to understand the Voynich
> document.

I assume he would be as open to an offer from Yale as from
any other
reputable institution.  I imagine it's difficult for any
to make a decision that would require setting aside enough
space for
a large collection, not to mention justifying the financial
so he's probably not expecting an instantaneous placement.

Why do you think having his collection co-located with the
VMs would
help us?  I think having anything all possible resources
near Jacques
or Rene or Stolfi or Gabriel or Petr (or half a dozen
others) would
be more to the point! :)
Jim Gillogly

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