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Re: VMs: vms sentences

Bruce Grant wrote:
>     Since no one is sure what features of the VM are important, no one
> wants to make any potentially incorrect assumptions. Yet without
> assuming _something_, at least provisionally, it is hard even to begin.


>     For this reason, I think it would make sense to start with one (or
> two or five or whatever) "standard" transcriptions against which
> statistics could be calculated, leaving open the possibility of adding
> more or deleting some later on.

	I agree.  Stolfi's majority vote is OK, I think.  I
*don't* think we should use EVA; it was built knowing
full well that it represents several important glyphs
(such as /iin/, and probably /cth/ etc.) with several
characters.  Better would be Currier or CurEVA for our
"standard" statistics.

> 2,   I think it would be a good idea to use a low-tech and technology
> neutral format (e.g. text) to collect statistics, for several reasons:
>     - it would make it easier for people to submit contributions without
> being skilled in a particular technology (e.g. sending a
>        document vs. writing a program).
>     - it would be less dependent on the vagaries of technology (ISP
> changes or outages etc., disappearance of people from the list etc.)
>     - it would be easier to distribute.

	Yes.  We'd certainly want a search engine to be
readily available for whatever statistics database we
develop, though.  

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