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Re: VMs: Another VMS herbal lookalike
Maurizio M. Gavioli wrote:
At 13:00 13/02/2004 +0100, elvogt@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Zitat von "J.Siemons" <siem@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> Is this posted before?>
> http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/dept/scwmss/wmss/medieval/mss/bodl/130.htm>
> English,11th century too again.
Fol44r is interesting. Along with the following pages, it looks like
the "key
pages" found in the VM.
Well, it seems to me a rather regular list of local names (sp.?) ("Other
[call it] "partemeon", French [call it] "oblaodia", other "diocolofam",
Neapolitan "obulatia"...)
Indeed it is -- if you can read it. But don't you see the resemblance to the
VM key pages with a single letter seperate in front of the lines?
So perhaps the VM key pages don't provide a key to the decipherment, but are
a similar list of... something. That was my idea; just looking for analogies.
And note the bottom line on f44r... half of it written in small caps,
half of
it in minor letters...
"SI VOLUERIS SCIRE VIRTUREM EIUS, Facies eum...": If you want to know
its powers, make it..."
Again, imagine this book was the VM for someone else. The problem _for us_
is not to read the latin. But imagine somebody (say, an Arab) couldn't read
latin letters, but had only some empirical idea of our alphabet, where some
of the capitel letters look like the minors, while others don't, the
capitals concentrate on word and sentence beginnings etc. Now you have a
whole sentence which is composed only of capitals, which seems to break all
the rules.
Any VM decoder would jump on this "clue", thinking is in any way
particularly significant... while here, it seemingly only served the whim of
a scribe.
At 12:14 13/02/2004 +0000, Gabriel Landini wrote:
Word 11 from the left column reads: Spam :-)
Do you refer to f. 44v? There, the 11-th word actually "Spani", i.e.
Maurizio M. Gavioli - VistaMare Software
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