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VMs: Re: Re: WM, Hieronymus Bosch and Edward Kelley
Jeff and Rafal,
Thank you kindly for your responses. First of all, I want to apologize for
using the abbreviation "WM" instead of "VM" (or "VMS") in my previous
posting. My Polish background subconsciously got the better of me, and I
must have been thinking about the original spelling of Voynich which is
Wojnicz (as you know, he was Polish). It also happens that Wojnicz is the
name of a small town near Krakow where a branch of my family used to live,
so there...
Rafal, I am really pleased to finally make your acquaintance. Actually, we
have met before, in print, on the pages of Adam McLean's "A Compendium on
the Rosicrucian Vault". Your text richly deserved the first prize, and I was
happy to complete your analysis by the discussion of the role of the
Fibonacci series in the measurements of the Vault. A lot of water has flown
under many bridges since then. If you find some free time, please email me
directly, we can correspond in English or Polish.
Yes, I am familiar with the Brethren of the Pure Spirit. As you said,
Bosch's connection with them is unproven.
As for the link with Kelley, it is also based on the fact that he was
supposedly after Emperor Rudolph's money.
By the way, do you know of any drawings by Kelley? I used to dabble a little
in the Enochian Magic, mostly from the historical angle, but this was a
while ago.
The rest of your posting, Rafal, was quite new to me. I know very, very
little about the Voynich Ms. Which of the existing books about it would you
recommend to me?
Jeff, I hope I can measure up to your expectations. I must first read a few
things about the VMs, and we'll see if my reading triggers any associations
in my slowly decaying brain. Since I am definitely not a cryptographer (math
has never been my strong suit), I am going to stick with pictures.
Best regards,
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