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Re: VMs: Blanks: trying to summarize...

At 12:20 05/03/2004 +0000, Nick Pelling wrote:

However, AIUI Voynichese words generally have a very low instance count, which is hard to reconcile with their being part of a language (whether real or artificial).

(AIUI? If it is an acronim, I cannot resolve it). There are at least two elements to be taken into consideration:

1) if the language is flected, each form of each word has a lower instance count than the word globally taken. I mean: for instance, in a Latin text about Caesar, you would find _Ceasar_, _Caesaris_, _Caesari_, etc. each with a lower count than the word "Caesar" in the English equivalent. And some languages even change the initial part of the word (not necessarily exotic languages: Welsh is one and, if I am not mistaken, Polish is another).

2) I don't know if someone tried to count words only in portions of running texts, excluding for example texts, labels and sequences in the figures which might have a different nature.

I agree that there must have been a good reason for spaces to be retained, which would seem to run counter to normal cipher practice: hence, I suspect that this points to an unusual kind of plaintext, or to an unusual kind of cipher process (and possibly to both). But (as mentioned before) I think that cipher systems where space performs a coding function would have been far too conceptually esoteric for the kind of time frame this seems to be from: and so I suspect that it's instead probably based on an unusual kind of plaintext.

On the other hand, the Fontana mss. also show spaces. Maybe, a spaceless cypher would be thought too problematic for such long texts?

Incidentally, if you subscribe (as I do) to the theory that at least some of the VMs' system is based on a verbose cipher (at the very least qo, dy, or, ol), then half-spaces often make sense as a kind of disambiguation mechanism.

Are you hinting as half-spaces as distinct from spaces? Two kinds of spaces with potentially different meanings? I think we have enough problems with a single kind of spaces!!



Maurizio M. Gavioli - VistaMare Software via San Bernardo 5, I-16030 Pieve Ligure, ITALY http://www.vistamaresoft.com/

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