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VMs: f66r, der muszdel
On 8 Mar 2004 10:21:37 +0100
Elmar wrote [in part]:
Personally, I don't subsricbe to the "muszdel" idea, since it's
obviously two seperate words on two seperate lines. If you want to go
with it, be aware that the article "der" has several functions in
German: . . .
Some years ago I became familiar with churchbook writing. Only a
knowledge of the format and a small vocabulary was required. I did
gain an appreciation for the variety and creativity of individual
hands. I found Gothic "h" and English long-s in the same passage and
some unique upper-case letters. There were standard abbreviations
that had little semblance to any part of the words from which they
were derived. Latin letter forms often were used to set special words
apart from others. Some standard Latin words were included. I can not
assume anything from even a clearly written but unfamiliar phrase in
German (or Middle English, for that matter) so it is good to get your
help on this.
Ciao ........ Knox
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