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Re: VMs: Encylopedia reference on Horcicky

--- PK#01 <pklist01@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Riegera Slovník Nauc^ný - 1866
> It's just a rough, literal translation, like
> Babelfish would do. I could do
> better but I'm too lazy :-)

There are some sources for Horcicky used both
by Rieger and Otto. One is Vavra, see the
'biographies' page at my web site.

As in my previous E-mail, I am not sure if
anyone (interested in the VMs and capable of 
reading Czech) has seen these.
One of the original sources for Tepenec is
Balbin, a contemprary and friend of Marci. There
is always a small hope that some detail, not too
interesting for historians, can still be found

Cheers, Rene

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