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Re: VMs: Encylopedia reference on Horcicky

Hello  PK,

"zastaven"= "given as a guarantee for the loan", apparently for the money he loaned to Rudolph II. Afgter the death of the Emperor, he became the owner of the Melnik property and the heytman of  Melnik castle,


======= At 2004-05-10, 22:58:00 you wrote: =======

>Riegera Slovník Nauc^ný - 1866
>It's just a rough, literal translation, like Babelfish would do. I could do
>better but I'm too lazy :-)
>In some places I kept the original Czech spelling (^ = hác^ek) :
>"Hor^c^ický Jakub", also "z Tepence", also "Synapius", studied at the
>jesuits in Krumlov, and was accepted into their seminary in Prague. Because
>of his chemical expertise he fell into the liking of Rudolf II, by whom he
>was elevated into knighthood and riches. The Jesuits, whom he thanked for
>the basis of his riches, he repaid by supporting their claims at the court.
>After the death of Rudolf he moved to his acquired lands and usually lived
>at "Me^lník" which was given to him (zastaven = given or loaned?) in a large
>sum. He died on the 25 th of September 1622 in Prague, where he moved in his
>illness, leaving all his properties to the jesuits. He wrote "Konfessí
>katolická t. Vyznání pravé víry krêst^anské vse^obecné o nade^ji, lásce,
>spravedlnosti kr^est^anské atd." (Catholic faith, The confession of the
>right and common christian faith, about hope, love and christian
>righteousness, etc.) published in Prague in 1609, 1677 and 1782.
>This is a short entry. The one in Ottúv Slovník Nauc^ný 1899 is about 4
>times longer. Coming soon ...
http://www.angelfire.com/electronic2/ohlas/VM/ Voynich Manuscript  

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