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RE: VMs: Possible explanation for Quire 20...

Hi John,

At 08:29 29/06/2004 -0400, John Grove wrote:
You've been suggesting that Quire 20 was bound inside out. Wouldn't this
put 116v in a rather awkward location? I would tend to think that 116v is
the actually last verso of the VMS, and because it is the last quire didn't
require a quire mark. It appears to me that 116r is the last piece of VMS
content written, and 116v has the last drawings.

OK... I hadn't really thought about 116v, so you're almost certainly right - f116v probably is the last page. Consider the "Q20 inside-out hypothesis" well & truly dropped. :-)

What if... Each bifolio was written separately, but sequentially within the
bifolio... such that the author wrote f103r, flipped the vellum wrote f103v,
flipped the vellum wrote f116r, and flipped the vellum and drew some
pictures on f116v then died (or got bored or had nothing further to say).

The order pages were written in is a thing we really ought to be able to quantify and test - and not just in the herbal section. For example, in the balneo section, we have two halves of a single picture on different bifolios - are the two halves' writings more similar to each other than to writings on the other half of each one's respective bifolio? [*]

Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....

[*] I'm sure this last sentence would read much better in German... :-)

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