Hi Rene - and everybody,
I was struck by one of your last mails about C.T. in which you were referring to your relevant web site page:
In this page you wrote:
"The following description of Codex Taurinensis C VII 15 (CCAG IV cod. 5) fol. 60v (novae paginationis) is translated from a German description in Boll, [ref], pp.386-388. Its interest for the Voynich MS lies in its similarity to the illustration on f67r2, and the sign of Aries which is also found on Voynich MS f1r. Unfortunately, I have no other information about this MS, but it should be very interesting to find more about it: where it is now, and if there is any edition of it. The library in which is was kept: Biblioteca Nazionale di Torino, was struck by a disastrous fire, one year after the appearance of Boll, and many Greek Mss were lost. The fate of this MS is at the moment unknown."
Your last update on this one is 2002. Of course my interest is "the bull". Thus I tried and investigate a bit the WWW about this, and I have to admit with no significant result. I however collected some post 2002 news, which is the reason why I write this. You end your page whith: "To be continued"
Here is first a probably uncomplete summary of my findings, which is then followed with the corresponding links.
C.T. is considered as a (late?) 15th or (early?) 16th century codex. In Turin, 4 leaves could be at least partly remaining. There could be a connection with other MS in Venice Milan Rome Paris and Dublin.
There is also a possible relation with a Gothic Bible and a Codex named Ambrosianus.
Following links include additional references like Oesterley and de Vries.
Finally I think the translation to English of your German one from the Greek could be useful.
http://www.ffzg.hr/klafil/neven/alegor.pdf http://tools.search.eur.yahoo.net/search/cache?fr=slv1-&x=wrt&y=i&ei=UTF-8&eo=UTF-8&p=CODEX+TAURINENSIS&u=www.wulfila.be/Download/GothicBible.txt&w=codex+taurinensis&d=A3DCB1C1C8&icp=1&intl=fr http://www.kjbbn.net/the_gothic_bible.htm http://www.wulfila.be/gothic/ http://www.wulfila.be/gothic/manuscripts/ http://www.tertullian.net/rpearse/manuscripts/dio_cassius.htm http://davisweb.samford.edu/about/sc/bibpages/nos480-530.pdf http://tools.search.eur.yahoo.net/search/cache?fr=slv1-&x=wrt&y=i&ei=UTF-8&eo=UTF-8&p=CODEX+TAURINENSIS&u=davisweb.samford.edu/about/sc/bibpages/nos480-530.pdf&w=codex+taurinensis&d=F5219345D7&icp=1&intl=fr http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/nfaq/0733.html http://tools.search.eur.yahoo.net/search/cache?fr=slv1-&y=i&m=S&b=21&c=6&ei=UTF-8&eo=UTF-8&p=CODEX+TAURINENSIS&u=www.ccel.org/ccel/bible/hu.Isa.22.html&w=codex+taurinensis&d=3F93DAC78B&icp=1&intl=fr http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/v/vries_j.shtml