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Re: VMs: Q. is there a to-do list?

Hi Jorge,

At 13:04 09/09/2004 -0300, you wrote:
A few more items:

  Prague: Check the Prague Municipal Archives (*) for information on

  Prague: Check the library of the Strahov Monastery for any
  manuscripts of interest, especially Georg Baresch (Barschius,
  Bare{\chevron s}), Marci, Negroponte (who inherited Marci's
  library), etc.. (**)

  Rome: Check the library of La Sapienza (University of Rome 1) for
  possible sources of information about George Baresch, who is
  believed to have studied there. (***)

Thanks, Jorge - I'll add them to the list over the next few days!

Best regards, .....Nick Pelling.....

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