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VMs: question on the "highly repetitive" arguments

I'm a newbie on this mailing list so I would like to ask a question to persons who think that:

- the VM is a highly repetitive text (for example many paragraphs may start with "this plant can be found ...", "... it can be used to ...")
and moreover
- a char in a known language may correspond to one or more symbols in the VM (dittongs, ...)

How do you justify the fact that the longest repeated sequence in VM is "only" 28 chars long?
Stats are
4 repeated seqs 28 chars long
5 repeated seqs 27 chars long
4 repeated seqs 26 chars long
...(see table below)

(the excerpts of the holy bible I used for some tests contains more than 30 repeated seq of length 28).


28 00004
27 00003
26 00004
25 00004
24 00019
23 00013
22 00031
21 00074
20 00089
19 00143
18 00226
17 00346
16 00513
15 00820
14 01099
13 01659
12 02178
11 02792
10 03212
09 03469
08 03224
07 02348
06 01594
05 00851
04 00322

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