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RE: VMs: truncated repeating sequences

Me again,
Just when you thought it was safe to ignore subsequences I
generalized the concept one stage further and looked for 
occurrences of ANY subsequences of the longest master
sequence I've got "aiin.shedy.qokeedy.qotedy.qo".

As you can see below, practically every possible subsequence 
exists _independently_ to each other. 

Just fuel for the fire... ;-)


00001: iin.shedy.qokeedy.qote
00001: iin.shedy.qokeedy.qot
00001:  in.shedy.qokeedy.qote
00002: iin.shedy.qokeedy.qo
00001:  in.shedy.qokeedy.qot
00001:   n.shedy.qokeedy.qote
00001:      hedy.qokeedy.qotedy.
00002:  in.shedy.qokeedy.qo
00001:   n.shedy.qokeedy.qot
00002:    .shedy.qokeedy.qote
00002:       edy.qokeedy.qotedy.
00001: iin.shedy.qokeedy.
00003:   n.shedy.qokeedy.qo
00001:    .shedy.qokeedy.qot
00002:     shedy.qokeedy.qote
00002:        dy.qokeedy.qotedy.
00001:  in.shedy.qokeedy.
00006:    .shedy.qokeedy.qo
00001:     shedy.qokeedy.qot
00004:      hedy.qokeedy.qote
00002:         y.qokeedy.qotedy.
00002:   n.shedy.qokeedy.
00010:     shedy.qokeedy.qo
00002:      hedy.qokeedy.qot
00006:       edy.qokeedy.qote
00002:          .qokeedy.qotedy.
00007:    .shedy.qokeedy.
00018:      hedy.qokeedy.qo
00006:       edy.qokeedy.qot
00006:        dy.qokeedy.qote
00002:           qokeedy.qotedy.
00005: iin.shedy.qoke
00013:     shedy.qokeedy.
00050:       edy.qokeedy.qo
00007:        dy.qokeedy.qot
00008:         y.qokeedy.qote
00003:            okeedy.qotedy.
00002: iin.shedy.qok
00005:  in.shedy.qoke
00001:   n.shedy.qokee
00002:    .shedy.qokeed
00034:      hedy.qokeedy.
00053:        dy.qokeedy.qo
00007:         y.qokeedy.qot
00010:          .qokeedy.qote
00004:             keedy.qotedy.
00006: iin.shedy.qo
00003:  in.shedy.qok
00007:   n.shedy.qoke
00014:    .shedy.qokee
00003:     shedy.qokeed
00093:       edy.qokeedy.
00077:         y.qokeedy.qo
00008:          .qokeedy.qot
00010:           qokeedy.qote
00005:              eedy.qotedy.
00006:  in.shedy.qo
00013:   n.shedy.qok
00038:    .shedy.qoke
00020:     shedy.qokee
00007:      hedy.qokeed
00107:        dy.qokeedy.
00099:          .qokeedy.qo
00008:           qokeedy.qot
00012:            okeedy.qote
00024:               edy.qotedy.
00025: iin.shedy.
00011:   n.shedy.qo
00076:    .shedy.qok
00050:     shedy.qoke
00062:      hedy.qokee
00015:       edy.qokeed
00150:         y.qokeedy.
00099:           qokeedy.qo
00010:            okeedy.qot
00017:             keedy.qote
00002:              eedy.qoted
00028:                dy.qotedy.
00027:  in.shedy.
00056:    .shedy.qo
00102:     shedy.qok
00107:      hedy.qoke
00111:       edy.qokee
00015:        dy.qokeed
00176:          .qokeedy.
00134:            okeedy.qo
00017:             keedy.qot
00032:              eedy.qote
00011:               edy.qoted
00048:                 y.qotedy.
00011: iin.shed
00046:   n.shedy.
00005:    .shedy.q
00105:     shedy.qo
00255:      hedy.qok
00222:       edy.qoke
00145:        dy.qokee
00020:         y.qokeed
00176:           qokeedy.
00001:            okeedy.q
00192:             keedy.qo
00055:              eedy.qot
00074:               edy.qote
00014:                dy.qoted
00058:                  .qotedy.
00191: iin.she
00012:  in.shed
00214:    .shedy.
00006:     shedy.q
00287:      hedy.qo
00434:       edy.qok
00278:        dy.qoke
00305:         y.qokee
00031:          .qokeed
00254:            okeedy.
00001:             keedy.q
00352:              eedy.qo
00180:               edy.qot
00090:                dy.qote
00016:                 y.qoted
00058:                   qotedy.
00002:                    otedy.q
00203: iin.sh
00215:  in.she
00014:   n.shed
00001:    .shedy
00325:     shedy.
00015:      hedy.q
00531:       edy.qo
00619:        dy.qok
00440:         y.qoke
00441:          .qokee
00031:           qokeed
00389:             keedy.
00011:              eedy.q
01169:               edy.qo
00267:                dy.qot
00160:                 y.qote
00020:                  .qoted
00170:                    otedy.
00002:                     tedy.q
00091: iin.s
00225:  in.sh
00314:   n.she
00079:    .shed
00001:     shedy
01150:      hedy.
00034:       edy.q
00754:        dy.qo
01168:         y.qok
00592:          .qoke
00444:           qokee
00053:            okeed
00732:              eedy.
00034:               edy.q
01572:                dy.qo
00497:                 y.qot
00237:                  .qote
00020:                   qoted
00002:                    otedy
00246:                     tedy.
00034:                      edy.q
03508: iin.
00105:  in.s
00275:   n.sh
01353:    .she
00111:     shed
00014:      hedy
02541:       edy.
00040:        dy.q
01399:         y.qo
01697:          .qok
00593:           qoke
00824:            okee
00086:             keed
00002:              eedy
02541:               edy.
00040:                dy.q
02832:                 y.qo
00769:                  .qot
00237:                   qote
00056:                    oted
00005:                     tedy
02541:                      edy.
00040:                       dy.q
00040: iin
03936:  in.
00137:   n.s
01299:    .sh
01805:     she
00430:      hed
00025:       edy
04551:        dy.
00085:         y.q
02133:          .qo
01706:           qok
01148:            oke
01387:             kee
00220:              eed
00025:               edy
04551:                dy.
00085:                 y.q
04077:                  .qo
00774:                   qot
00956:                    ote
00081:                     ted
00025:                      edy
04551:                       dy.
00085:                        y.q
00434: ii
00067:  in
05051:   n.
01213:    .s
01824:     sh
05623:      he
00851:       ed
00128:        dy
11345:         y.
00132:          .q
02155:           qo
03493:            ok
01724:             ke
03646:              ee
00851:               ed
00128:                dy
11345:                 y.
00132:                  .q
04107:                   qo
02492:                    ot
01355:                     te
00851:                      ed
00128:                       dy
11345:                        y.
00132:                         .q
02516: i
06789:  i
00083:   n
32455:    .
02728:     s
09295:      h
14737:       e
05900:        d
02117:         y
31499:          .
00135:           q
18745:            o
06858:             k
09955:              e
14737:               e
05900:                d
02117:                 y
31499:                  .
00135:                   q
20928:                    o
04934:                     t
14737:                      e
05900:                       d
02117:                        y
31499:                         .
00135:                          q
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