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Re: VMs: Re: Traditional Astrology and the Flat Earth
Do we have a clear understanding of the Zodiacs in the VMS? I don't
understand anything about Zodiacs, but I was fascinated to discover that the
Nabataeans had a very different Zodiac than the Romans/Greeks. From my
research I have learned that the Roman version followed the traditional
order known today. Beginning at the top and going counter-clockwise: (1)
Aries, (2) Taurus, (3) Gemini, (4) Cancer, (5) Leo, and (6) Virgo. Then
there is a break at the bottom after which the succession resumes with (7)
Libra, (8) Scorpio, (9) Sagittarius, (10) Capricorn, (11) Aquarius, and
finally (12) Pisces. Is this correct?
The Nabataean zodiac was different. The zodiac found at Khirbet Tannur
begins counter-clockwise with (1) Aries, (2) Taurus, (3) Gemini, (4) Cancer,
(5) Leo, and (6) Virgo. Then there is a break by the nikés head. So far,
this is like the Roman version. Following the traditional order, one would
expect (7) Libra to be next in the counter-clockwise progression. But this
is not so! This space is occupied by (12) Pisces! Instead, the Nabataean
Libra appears at the top, beside Aries. This begins a clockwise progression
around the zodiacal circle's opposite (left) side; beginning clockwise from
(7) Libra at the top, the progression follows in order from (7) to (12) to
end at the left side of the niké caryatid's head.
I would assume that this is because the Nabataean calendar centered around
two very important religious events celebrating their dead relatives (who
were thought to be the stars in the heavens).
Were there other zodiacs in other places? Can the pictures in the VMS lead
us to understand more of what geographical area the VMS is describing. I am
assuming that the writer would be writing a book about some far-off lands
and ideas, rather than recording what everyone knew at home.
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