From: fion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply-To: vms-list@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: vms-list@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: VMs: f11v - dd vs. gg
Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 13:04:40 -0500 (CDT)
While this may look obvious to some, I hope some others may find something
interesting in it.
A while ago I came across a folio from Manipulus Florum(*) which reminded
me about a VMS folio(f11v). A graphical comparation can be found at:
A text version of it may look like this:
(manipulus florum)
gg Non Christianis inicium
(voynich ms)
dd soydy qoteey qot chor dy ddy
Here the gg is used as a shorthand for Gregorius (libro 38 moralis) and
also as an annotation/index. The graphical version looks better.
What is this supposed to mean ? I don't know, probably it is just a simple
coincidence. I just keep it as an argument for "intentional annotations".
I thought it will be nice to share it, maybe it will trigger some ideas.
This is definitely not the only folio where the gg shorthand appears and
most likely not the only ms.
It will be funny if "ddy" would be found to be a shorthand for a word with
a similar pattern : g--g--us , d--d--us ... s.o. :)
(*) Handful of flowers, written by Thomas de Hibernia around year 1306.
Multiple editions were published between 1483 and 1887. The author is/was
well known for his method to annotate/index a ms, quite revolutionary at
that time.
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