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VMs: some geography and some architecture

no doubt, one of the key pages is
could it be just some geographycal vision of some region?

Btw, a little territory or a big one?
anyway, it could be easily be the typical Sino-Tibetan
"division of nine" and then, it's not probably oriented
in the direction of orient, but South upwards.
It could be full of some local geomantics, of course...
When looking around on this "map", it's easy to imagine
mountains, rivers, roads, even some open sea... and
could this central castle in clouds be some stupas?

Again, in the ?southwest? (upright) there is an European-looking castle.
We have quite a tall, medieval tower there. It means, the builder is not afraid
of stronger artillery.

When did they desist from building such towers?
1) In Europe?
2) Out there, somewhere far from home?

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