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Re: pdf

Big Jim wrote:
> >I don't know anything about visual encription.
> AIN were one word...the Hebrew word for eye.  OIN was 
> the same word..but an alternate meaning which is; To look at, consider. If 
> this was incorrect it would have failed somewhere along the line.  I needed 
> to start somewhere and this was as good a place as any. The fact that 6 
> words separated only by non consequential spelling differences have only 2 
> meanings is visual encryption.  If you balk at that you are doing exactly 
> what the writer wants you to do.

What you are saying is that the meaning is arbitrarily assigned by you. If
you do this for any reasonably ordered text you will get similar repeated
words and your brain will fill in the meaning based on your desire to find
it. The method will _not_ fail along the line even if you are completely
off from what the writer "intended". In fact, you are more likely than not
to find meaning if the text already has a medium to low entropy such as the
VMs content does.

I can try to write a simple demonstration of this using randomly generated
text based on the voynich statistics. I'll try to do that over the weekend.


Adams Douglas, San Diego, CA   Adams@xxxxxxxxxxx
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     "I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking 
      about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; 
      but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in 
      numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind."
                              - William Thomson (Lord Kelvin)