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Re: VMs: Suggestions for keywords...?
Hi Rene,
At 09:50 06/01/03 -0800, Rene Zandbergen wrote:
For me (but I'm only one prospective user out
of many hundreds) it would be sufficient if
'threads' are linked in the usual manner,
and there is a search mechanism as described above.
Searching for information on the VMS can be extremely frustrating:
- multiple spellings of names (English, Latinised, Arabic, pseudonyms, etc)
- inability to correct incorrect/outdated information
- etc
Searching Usenet archives on the Web can also be quite awkward:
- can often get 1000+ hits, which isn't much better than none
- hits not arranged (or folded) by thread/name/year
With the VMS' huge mailing list archives, all these basic structural
problems (of the Internet) are suddenly going to become quickly apparent:
in short, nobody really knows how to manage large amounts of fluid (yet
relevant) data... yet that is exactly what we'll be dealing with shortly.
Unless I find a way of searching the archives online that works pretty much
as well as grep, I ain't gonna go online to search.... which would, I
think, be a poor recommendation for our efforts. :-(
FWIW, I'm trying to devise ways of resolving all these kinds of problems,
so please forgive me if I seem a little ahead of myself at times. My
JavaScript linkifier is just the start - I hope to wrap the
summaries/linkpages into some kind of Wiki... lots more to do before I get
there, though. :-o
Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....
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