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Re: VMs: Anagrammed Text

Has anyone investigated the characteristics of texts in which all the
words have been anagrammed into a certain order? It seems like this
might explain both the tendency in the VMS of some letters to be
initials and others finals, and the appearance of sequences of three or
more of the same letter..

(Excuse me if I nodded off while this was being discussed!)

Well yes, I suggested something like this only a few weeks ago. The letters in Voynich words roughly conform to an ordering in which q (almost) always precedes other letters, k precedes e, o precedes a and so on: but there are very many exceptions. I have tried to sort letters and words of natural language texts to imitate this feature, but the main difficulty arises from other properties of Voynich words - their tendency to contain only one example of each letter, their restrictions on co-occurrence of letters (particularly the gallows characters) and so on. Anagramming might explain some features of Voynichese but it can't explain them all. See my page http://mysite.freeserve.com/philipneal_vms/language.html

Philip Neal

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